Talk Now Mental Health & Addictions Clinic

Collaborative community clinic offering timely access to Mental Health services to people of all ages.

Call PRHC at (705)876-5826 to access support

TALK NOW is a service offered in partnership by Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC), Peterborough Youth Services, Canadian Mental Health Association HKPR, Four Counties Addiction Services team, Kinark Child and Family Services, Canopy Support Services, and the Peterborough Family Health Team. Each organization is combining existing resources to staff the virtual TALK NOW clinic.

Who is eligible?

TALK NOW provides more timely access to mental health services to people of all ages in our community while they may be on a waitlist for care. Patients are not limited to one visit and are welcome to book an in-person, or virtual appointment as often as needed. A health card is not required to access care.

Please note, when there is shared (joint) custody of children age 11 or younger, consent of both parents/caregivers to participate in the service is required.

For more information, visit PRHC’s website.

How do I access services?

No referral is necessary at the TALK NOW clinic. Patients seeking care can call 705-876-5826 to be connected with a mental health professional.

Phone lines are answered weekdays from 8:30am to 3:30pm.